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Terms and Conditions.

On excepting a quoteation you are agreeing to the following.


  1. Deposit payment will be require prior to work started, this will be caluated on job by job basies, but it to cover materials.

  2. Any estimated quiote may have addition cost due to, unforeseen circumstances and/or findings of additional works that are required in order to complete the project to your (the customer) specification e.g., health and safety, building regulations, planning permission, etc. 

  3.  Changes to the requirements of the project as specified by the customer from the above quotation.

  4. All prices/costs above are correct at date of estimated quote. Prices from supplier may go up or down and will be reflected into the final invoice accordingly.

  5. Estimated time scale any time over will be charged at standard rate.

  6. Any electrical / plumbing work carried out by Sunset Landscaping and Building Services Ltd, need to be checked by a registered qualified trade person. Sunset Landscaping and Building service Ltd are not qualified. It is the Customers responsibility to organise and pay for the inspection. Or if customer prefers, can choose to organise suitable registered qualified trades person separately.

  7. On recieved of invlice, have 7 days to pay balance.

  8. Late payment may occur addition charges at 5% per week of remaining balance, until balance is cleared, if not agreed in writing prior to receipt of invoice.

  9. Cancellation of any agreed work by client, from quotation occurs a 25% charge, if not aggreed prior in writing of calcellation.

  10. Postpond work by client, that has been agreed from quotation, may occur 25% charge, if not agreed in writing prior of postponding of work.

  11. Any failure of the terms and conditions may result in legal proceedings to be taken.

  12. Material prices are guaranteed for 2 weeks. This is due to supplier prices may change. Prices will be altered accordingly to the increase / decrease of price from supplier.

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